Costa Rica ratifies world leadership in sustainable tourism with GSTC award

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The Global Council for Sustainable Tourism granted worldwide recognition to the Certificate for Sustainable Tourism (CST) of the Costa Rican Tourism Institute

Monday, June 29, 2020. The Global Council for Sustainable Tourism granted Costa Rica a worldwide recognition for its permanent efforts in the development and consolidation of sustainable tourism. The accreditation is for the Certificate of Sustainable Tourism (CST) standard of the Costa Rican Tourism Board.

The main advantage in obtaining this award is the increased international credibility of the CST standard, which is aligned with universal criteria for sustainable management, social and economic benefits for the local community, preservation of cultural heritage and reduction of pollution. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) manages the GSTC Criteria, global baseline standards for sustainability in travel and tourism; and acts as the international accreditation body for sustainable tourism certification.

Our country has been globally recognized for being a destination that has bet on sustainable tourism as a differentiating and fundamental element for the positioning of the destination, evolving year after year from ecotourism to a more integral conceptualization that promotes in the tourist companies the rooting of ecological and environmental awareness, with tangible actions of sustainability and balance that is reflected in the communities, to generate productive chains, as well as unique and valuable experiences for the tourists.

“The Global Council for Sustainable Tourism is one of the most important organizations in its field. This week we received the pleasant news that they granted the Certificate of Sustainable Tourism of the ICT the recognition where it is officialized that our technical tool fulfills the highest standards”, explained Virgilio Espinoza, Head of the Department of Certifications and Social Responsibility of Tourism of the ICT.

Espinoza expressed his satisfaction for the work done to obtain this international decoration that places the CST in a higher level. “This recognition tells the world that Costa Rica continues to strengthen with much dedication its cross-cutting theme of sustainability that has made it stand out in the world in recent years,” he concluded.

To learn more about the CST program and participating partners see here

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